Re-union Photo's 2010

Nov 18, 2012

Caroline's Photos

 Thanks to Caroline for these photos, I dont have any info so maybe Caroline or someone else can tell us where and when they were taken....


  1. nice to see a few old faces there and especially eileen cos she hasn't appeared on too many photos so far x

  2. tony woods 3rd to bottom photo and the old bus station-bottom photo

  3. Top one 1977. at Casa Pau in Vidreres. Wendy, Caroline, Sandra, Loretta and Eileen.
    Jeannie in T.shirt stand outside Moby with my niece Luisa who lived in Blanes. 1976. Caroline, Eileen and Loretta. 1977.
    Barbara, Harry de Vall, Caroline and Tony Woods, in Moby beer garden. 1975.
    Big Henry and Gogo at beach party. 1976.
    Old bus station, 1977. Malcolm Rabbit, from Cerdanya bar,

  4. Well done Babs x

  5. ha ha, not Babs, (nor Ang) x

  6. hmm, obviously not Ang, so not David! x

  7. photo with tony woods on, looks like the old "hot dog wagon" in the old moby dick beer garden in the background ?


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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