Re-union Photo's 2010

Nov 28, 2012

Texas in the 80s

 All these photos are from Rish's photo albums which Wilma very kindly gave me...most of the photos are from the days when Rish worked in the Texas in the early 80s!


  1. When a pub was a pub!!!!

  2. jackie, where are the last comments, it seems to have disappeared again x

  3. I had to take the last comments thingy off Jill, it wasn't working right and there was just a blank space at the side where they should have been. I'll keep checking to see if I can get them back.

  4. Ricky, it's hard to find a British pub open in Lloret just now, last night we were in Rabbies and could only think of one other that was open and that was Buzzby's!

  5. The Texas was the best tipped bar in Lloret and the crack was vicious, Phil was a horse of a man , he played the same set every night and changed only when the clientel changed. I saved just short of a grand working there in 1984.
    good times

  6. i saw this face for many years


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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