Re-union Photo's 2010

Apr 30, 2013

A photo from Clive

Thanks to Clive for this photo of himself and Mark taken in 1987 near the John Lennon bar.

Apr 29, 2013

Colins Cottage

 Todays photos take us back to the 90s and a visit to Colins Cottage!

Apr 25, 2013

Morven's Photos

Here we have another few photos from Morvens collection, every single photo I've published belonging to Morven she has always got a great big smile on her face..she must have really been the live and soul of Lloret when she was here!

Meanwhile it seems the lunatics are trying to take over the asylum again with what I can only describe as 'unwanted comments'...he or she is wasting their time as I now moderate EVERY comment that comes in so none will ever get through to the blog....which is why they don't immediately appear on the blog. I do have the persons IP address which I will gladly pass onto Google should there be any more 'unwanted comments' after first publishing it on this page of course!

Apr 24, 2013

Buzzby's Calendar

I know this isnt so old, but I just thought it was worth another viewing!
This is the Buzzbys calendar which we all did the Christmas before Stevie died...and what a Christmas it was! We had planned that after this one we would do a calendar every year...sadly it didn't happen again.

I thought it had been lost ages ago but I've just come across it again after I had my PC repaired
Sorry but the quality of the slideshow isnt all that good, the printed version was much better!

Frank's Photos

 Thanks to Frank for todays photos, three fantastic group shots..and as usual Frank is there at the front!

Gerry's Garden

Apr 22, 2013

A few more from Sarah

Thanks again to Sarah for sending these photos....
The 1st one is the Tropics staff (1982ish) with Sarah & Debbie front right 

2nd - Sarah is with Roberto in Chapeau....This is the first time we've had a photo which features Chapeau, I dont remember it at all does anyone else? 
3rd - A very glamorous Sarah at work in Tropics! (again 82ish)

 4th - Debbie in the Tropics car.

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Apr 21, 2013

Lloret de Mar old scenes

I'm not sure what year these photos are from or what is going on, it looks like some sort of restoration work being carried out on the church.

Apr 18, 2013

Sarah' Photos

Thanks to Sarah for sending these 2 photos after seeing my message about wanting more photos...I still need more, so please have a look in your cupboards and drawers for any old Lloret pics!
Sarah (in the blue dress) worked here in the early 80s.

Apr 17, 2013

Photos from Morven

 Sorry for the delay in posting photos to the Old Stuff recently but I've had bad internet problems, but all sorted now thanks to a very good friend!
So lets get started again...and the first photos come from Morven from her days at the Seven Seas.

I need more photos to keep the site going so if any of you come across any photos we may not have seen yet then please keeping sending them...thanks!
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Apr 9, 2013

Caroline's Photos.

Todays photos come from Caroline all from the 1970s

Jeannie, Wendy and Caroline 1976

Apr 5, 2013

Gerrys Bar

Thanks to Narcis for sending these photos he took in Gerrys Bar last Sunday which he thought might interest those of you who like him have fond memories of the bar!

The email from Narcis....

I'm Narcís, For me Gerris Pub has been somthing very special for me were my favourite Pub and I love it a lot. Partys, celbrations, girlfriends, meeting peolpe, sad days... and lots of musical discovers on that Pub. I love all of them I have some pics that I take the las nigth, here we are. Thanks for your great pictures and for your blog,

Cheers Narcis

Apr 4, 2013

A few from Frank!

 Thanks to Frank for these photos...which he said I could pinch from his Facebook page!

Ian & Frank with friends dancing in the street or holding each other up??

A game of pool in Gerry's
 Frank and the Lafferty brothers!

Apr 2, 2013

Caroline's photos

 Thanks to Caroline for sending a few of her photos from the 1970s

Singing in the rain outside the T Shirt shop in C/ San Pedro and in the photo below again at the T Shirt shop are Jeannie, Mark and Loretta.

 Moby Dick 1974 above.

Apr 1, 2013

Gerry's Bar - The end as we know it!

 Gerry's Bar as we all knew it has sadly came to an end yesterday with friends invited to come and say goodbye to the bar in the best way possible....plenty of loud music and one of their famous BBQ's!
Colin & Simon
Opened in 1974 the bar has been everyone's favourite local in Lloret, we all look back to the good times with Gerry & Julie with fond affection along with Colin & Angie and all the staff who have worked there over the years. Julie and Gerry's son Simon, Colin, Angie and Ian have been keeping the bar open since Gerry & Julie passed away, but now Simon has decided to give up the bar and concentrate on other things. The bar will be closed for the next 2 weeks or so while some alterations are carried out but will reopen under new management.
Ian & Simon
 Gill was there on the first day the bar opened, and she just had to be there on the last!

Colin, Simon and friends...Angie in the chair can now take it easy!

Oscar with Jesus on the right. 
( Jesus will now be taking over the bar)
