Re-union Photo's 2010

Sep 27, 2013

Photos from Bobby

Thank you to  Bobby Huntley for the photos or should I say albums which he brought over to Lloret so that I could take copies for the blog....just when I thought I would shortly be running out of your old pics, I've suddenly got lots more to go at!
As I only publish 4 or 5 at a time it may be a while before you see all your photos but sooner or later they will be put on this thanks again to everyone.
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  1. Top middle Roy Harper from London married a Welsh tourist.

  2. bottom photo, looks like Conrad left of photo with arms round 2 girls and of course good on yer Bob on the right.

  3. Top middle Roy Harper (Hynes!) Living in wales with 2nd welsh wife !!!


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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