Re-union Photo's 2010

Sep 8, 2013

Tony Batey's Photos

Thanks to Tony for todays photos which he has given the description as 'quiet afternoons in Rabbies'!! In the first photo from 1974 are Bobby, Danny, Walter, Neil Gowry in the centre and Glady's front left...(thanks to Hammy for the names). The 2nd one is from names sorry.


  1. the top ohoto, is 1972, top left hand corner micky Mc Namara, Liverpool Alan, and Tony Gaffney (workedin the Captins arms) we shared a flat, they only worked for 1 season, is that Gladys ? not a good photo she was pritter than that,the bottom photo the guy with the container in his hands,Alan Highland. i have been folling you on face book, keek up the good work . Fin Smyth

  2. Thanks for taking the time to fill in a few of the missing names Fin!

  3. Good man is alan,(Hyland)..., went on to become a prof at Glasgow uni.

    (Nevur changed him a bit). :D


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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