Re-union Photo's 2010

Oct 27, 2013

A photo from Richard

Thanks to Richard who has sent this photo from when he worked in the Piccadilly in '67, he is the one at the back smiling! Everyone else in the photo were also working in Lloret that year.



  1. The location is a bar called EO11
    L to R back row, Harry from Holland coowner ? John Lowman the other owner, me Richard Evans
    Front ? Billy from Liverpool, Dave Edwards, Big Dave from London, Sean London, Barry London
    I hope this helps

  2. There won't be many photos from that era because no one carried a camera at that time, and no one had the money either. We were only allowed to take £65 out of the country at that time.
    A pension was 100pts a night, a Cuba Libre was 25, a beer 15,Spanish Cigarettes 15, a phone call home 1000 ! And my weekly wage was 1000 , 10 hours a day 7 days a week! We arrived in April and none of us had been abroad before, I was 20 and the youngest, it took until June to get a job and we lived in a big army tent on a campsite at the top of the town on where the road to Tossa began. My photograph was taken by an Argentinian photographer and there was a girl called Sandra who also did that job and she and Billy from the picture were fixtures in the town when I returned in 1971. I worked until October and then went travelling with John Lowman who owned that bar, we went to Morocco before the hippy invasion and all over Spain in a Dutch 2 CV until Christmas
    Thanks a lot


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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