Re-union Photo's 2010

Mar 4, 2014

Photos from Emilio

Sorry for not posting any pics for a while but it's been a busy time for me here, what with the carnival ( a great weekend by the way!) and other stuff, hopefully I can get back into some sort of normal routine....if that's possible here!
Emilio a friend of Angie's recently sent these photos from when he worked in Gerrys Bar.
1st pic from 1981 behind the bar at Gerrys are Colin in the middle with Emilio to his right then Paul from Liverpool, does anyonyone know the whereabouts of Paul these days?

Colin & Emilio again behind the bar at Gerrys
Out in the garden at Gerrys, a very young looking Julie with Simon and the little girl is Emilio's daughter Kristian.


  1. Hi Emilio I was with Pauls brother last week and I was asking about him ,he is lives In Skemerdale just outside Kirkby were he comes from ,married with 3 kids and do well

  2. Thanks for the info Alan, its Angie that was asking so I'll let her know.


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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