Re-union Photo's 2010

Apr 17, 2014

Photos from Betty

Thanks to Betty for sending todays photos, all the info I have is that they are from 1974.


  1. Hi my dad worked in the Londener in 77 Jimmy Garrity, anyone remember him or have any photos?
    We have a few and will try and pit them on here. He would love to hear from anyone?! Thanks nicola

  2. philip mcdermott25 April, 2014 09:50

    Betty Baby!good to know you survived the excesses of the time.thats a rare photo of Clem and Diane,hope all is well with you,fond memories,Phil McDermott.

  3. Hello to both Betty and Phil. I'm still 'working' in Lloret. No rest for the wicked.

  4. HI Betty, greetings from Barbara West (we shared a flight back to Lloret in 1974 and digs for a while). I was lured away by Finbarr Smyth and he and I are still together sadly !! Met up with Phil and his lovely Christine a few Summers ago - still hoping to see Tottie at some stage... Anyway, hope all is well with you and yours Betty. Love from Barb & Fin. xx (p.s. I'm still in touch with Sue Jones (Riviera).

  5. Hi Nicola,I first net your dad on clipper coach when I first went to Lloret and also played football with him. Is he still in Newton Le Willows as I live in Warrington now. Telll him I'm in Lloret this week for Hammy's 60th.

  6. Hi Billy, my dad still lives in Newton and would love to catch up?!
    He said say Happy birthday to Hammy-top man and to say Hi!
    Enjoy Lloret!

  7. Billy Fraser13 May, 2014 12:55

    Hi Nicola, tell your dad Hammy remembers him well and says hello. We had a great time and everybody enjoyed themselves. Is he ever in Warrington area? We could arrange to meet if he is.


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
(Any inappropriate messages will be removed)