Re-union Photo's 2010

Feb 23, 2015

More from Phil

Phil has been in touch again and kindly sent a few more photos from the 70s.

Here is his info for the pics....

The group photo on the beach was 1976. Front row Pam ? Jonno & Jez (The Banana men from Derby) Elaine from Yarm. Middle left don't remember but could be Brian. Me, Scunthorpe Dave with glasses to cover black eye. Paul. Can't remember back row.
        Beach party at Bodella 1977 with Tommy Potter stiring the punch !
On the front opposite West Coast. Me, Pam ? Jez Mills, Scunthorpe Dave, Paul & Kev.

Feb 20, 2015

Photos from Phil

Thanks to Phil for today's photos,

He has given the following details below of when he was in Lloret and where he worked.....

We spent two seasons in Lloret 1976-1977 (fantastic times) The early photo shows me Phil with the blonde hair Kev who among other jobs worked at The Moby Dick. Lois of course and Paul my brother. 

The second photo was taken in 2003 when Kev & myself managed to track Lois down and had a tearful reunion. ( Think Lois aged better than Kev & myself !

Paul & myself spent most days on the beach outside West Coast and OK Coral (stayed above the Coral in 1976 and Paris square 1977) If these photos get to you alright I will dig out somemore.

Feb 13, 2015

Jeans photos

Thanks to Jean for todays photos and another big thank you to Viv for sending them through with all the info.

 Jean & Tommy in the 1900 Pub

The photo below from 1981/82 looks like it was taken in La Uva to me, with John, Blade, Sharon, Gary, Charlie, Winkle,Trish & Terry 

Below - 1983 with Yoka on the left.

 1982 with Jean are Steve & Paula.

Below- Jean with Danny in Picassos (1980s)

Feb 5, 2015

More photos from Alan

Many thanks to Alan who has just discovered the Old Stuff so has been searching through his old photos and has sent these for the blog.

Alan's info for the pics....
Lloret related pictures of the 1977 survivors' reunion in Glasgow, at Burn's Howf pub. The Howf was a well known haunt for Glasgow based Lloret workers.

Feb 3, 2015

A photo from Alan

Thanks to Alan for this photo from the Yellow Submarine,
Alan's info about the pic...

Hi Jackie
Just discovered your site and love it!!

I worked in the Yellow Submarine in 1977 when it was owned by Roger, a Pakistani chap from Leeds. The picture attached was taken by a Foto Loses guy, he was very small (5ft) and blonde, that's all I remember about him. In the picture L-R is Lesley from Glasgow, (me), the boss, also from Glasgow, who'll probably kill me if we ever meet again because I've forgotten her name, and the girl who played the records (again forgotten her name).
Will dig out some more photos and send them in.
Kind regards

Photos from Wilma

 Here we have another few photos which belonged to Rish passed on to me by Wilma...theres lots of well known faces here from the Texas and Buzzbys.