Re-union Photo's 2010

May 10, 2015

Lloret in the 70s - were you here?

We need your help again! 

Were you in Lloret in the 70s? If so then do any of you remember someone called Juan from Barcelona...possibly worked in La Cala & Revolution. A brief description of him- small & stocky with dark curly hair. Please leave a comment or send me a private message, any help is much appreciated...thanks in advance, Jackie x


  1. Hi Jackie, yes I knew Juan, he worked for me in the Londoner for years, he used to wait on, behind the bar etc. If you are trying to trace him I really do not know where he is now but when I left Lloret in 1980 he was still there.

    Great site by the way Jackie, I enjoy looking at the photo's.
    All the best. Chris Stanley.

  2. Thanks for your nice comment Chris, yes I'm still trying to trace him....even a surname would help.??

  3. Ask Hammy I think he knew him.

  4. Yes thanks Ricky, I was talking to Hammy about him yesterday also Pepe knew him.


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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