Re-union Photo's 2010

Jul 5, 2015

Photos from Dirk

Thanks to Dirk for sending his photos and also the following message...

Hello Jackie, I really like this old stuff. It reminds me of great vacations in Lloret in the 80s. I send you some pics taken `82, `83 and `84 in the Seven Seas Pub with Willie and his team, in the old Highlander Pub with Scottish Eddy and his team and Liverpool Friends an me in the John Lennon Bar. I´m missing the good old times. Can you tell me, what happened to Willie? GreetZ from Cologne, Dirk

The first pic above are from left to right: Cathy, Steve, John from Liverpool, Dirk, Willie, Gus from Liverpool, Dirk's girlfriend Gaby and Augustin.

1 comment:

  1. Willie is still here and working in Blanes at the moment...


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
(Any inappropriate messages will be removed)