Re-union Photo's 2010

Nov 8, 2017

18-30s Holidays

Were any of our readers linked to the early 18-30s holidays at all? If so you maybe able to help with a TV production is a copy of the email I have received.
 I have removed a tel no from the email, so if you can help at all just contact me and I'll put you in touch.

Hi, Jackie!
Apologies if this request seems out of the blue but I'm hoping you might be able to help me. 
My name is Cameron and I work for an independent tv production company called One Tribe TV. We're based in Bath and Cardiff and are currently developing a project we hope to send to commissioners within the next couple of weeks. It's a celebratory documentary surrounding the 50th anniversary of Club 18-30's establishment, which is next year. Our intention is to find a few people who travelled or worked for Club 18-30 in its initial days in the late 60s and return them to the areas to see what has changed, reveal funny anecdotes and warm memories, and generally describe what Club 18-30 was like then. 
Having stumbled across your Facebook page, 'Lloret de Mar Old Stuff', I thought I might ask you if you know anyone who attended or worked for Club 18-30 in the 60s/early 70s or know where I might look? Any help would be tremendously appreciated. 
Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon.
All the best,

Nov 1, 2017

Gerds Photo Album

Another selection of photos from Gerd's very heavy albums!