Re-union Photo's 2010

Jan 22, 2019

Photos from Paul

Many thanks to Paul for sending  these 2 photos by email today.
This is Paul’s message to go with the pics -

Just found some memories of my time in lloret pics from when I was Dj at Nicky Tams with Stewart and Gas an cant remember name of our Pr Sotsman  the group pic is Nicky Tams 1984 staff ,wonder if anyone recognises themselves.
cheers Paul

Jan 3, 2019

A photo from Hammy

Anyone who has been in Rabbies Bar in Fenals will have seen a few photos of Hammy (in his younger days!) pictured alongside famous football players who he has met. This is another one that he has just come across and not on ‘his wall’ so not many people will have seen it....until now!