Re-union Photo's 2010

Mar 31, 2020

Birmingham fish shop

Thanks to Richard for sending these photos.
His grandparents had the very popular Birmingham fish and chip shop. You can read his email below....

Hi Jackie I found this photo of Nan and grandad I this photo with others was used in the mirror news paper and I think there were others but I cannot find them at the moment the other photo is my mom and dad (sue & gerald payne )in a bar in lloret but I'm not sure which one I do remember a bar opposite Nan and grandads and I remember a couple called lolle and pepe with a son called Albado if I find more I will pass them on Richard 

Mar 29, 2020

Lloret's newspaper 1972!

Thanks to Imelda for sharing her newspaper pages to my Holiday group FB page, I always find such articles are really interesting as they show what the prices were like all those years ago back when the tourist were flocking to the Costa Brava.