Re-union Photo's 2010

May 10, 2020

Photos from Jimmy Harvey

Thanks to Jimmy Harvey for sending me another great set of photos, most I believe are from the Highlander bar.

A photo from Phil

Thanks to Phil who has sent me this photo taken outside Gemini’s.

Taken outside Geminis cafe. Some of the Geminis girls. Paul my brother. Me front row (arms folded) Phil. Ian, one of the lads from home who came to visit. Remember Juliette, back right. Sorry don’t recall the other girls names. Think most of the girls were from Scotland. Remember Juliette lived with some of the others in a little house. Yvonne was one (not in the picture) She might have worked at The Riviera on the front. Happy days, I wonder where everyone ended up?

May 8, 2020

Jimmy’s photos

I think several of you are having the same thought during this lockdown period and spending a bit of time looking back at your old photos as I’ve been sent quite a few just recently....that’s great keep them coming! 
Today’s photos were sent by Jimmy Harvey...thanks Jimmy! 

May 1, 2020

Beach Boys Club

Thanks to John Knowles for today’s photo taken outside Beach Boys.

Johns info....
This is for your blog 
This is from  Summer of 1983 Gary Palmer from Welling in Kent, on the right,  and two lads from Liverpool.
Cant believe it was so long ago