Re-union Photo's 2010

Nov 5, 2008

Beach Party !

Thanks to Scottish Frankie from who I received this photo by email, also included was a message for for Jean :-) Which I'll tell her about next time I phone her.
Here is Franks email :
''This was in Estertit on the beach party
left to right back row wee Max guy in a hat Frank(me) Scoo Roy the singer Micky(pish) Terry (frog)
if you see Aunty Jean will you tell her i need some clean socks''

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  1. Fantastic pic Frank and great memories of the beach parties . Roo cha cha cha cha . Great to hear from you again . Max the wee man . Pics of Scoo and Micky now on Rickys site ( Rickys bar blanes ) wow look at them and yep most of us are bald

  2. I was the alledged singer/guitarist on the beach party in 1983. They were great times and I'll always remember the fun we all had. I've been retired now for five years and spend a lot of my time, at least eight weeks, in Tossa de Mar. Anybody who would like to contact me, please do.
    My e-mail address is


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
(Any inappropriate messages will be removed)