Re-union Photo's 2010

Nov 7, 2008

Scotch Corner ?

Behind the bar here is Steve, Albie and Stuart...and Alan Hagger (AGAIN !!!)
Is this taken in the Scotch Corner? I not sure
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  1. could well be Scotch Corner, the lad on the end with tongue out is Andres, one of my old flat mates, and Spanish teacher

  2. Definately not Scotch Corner (possibly Highwayman)

  3. if you enlarge photo and look at the photo pinned on wall behind stevie. i think that is the photo that i thought was taken in the seven seas which you agreed with because of the raised area. so behind stevie in this new photo would be the record decks. my seas. i don't think either of lads with beards is albie. we were brothers in law for 18 years. now we're just brothers. jordi

  4. Cheers Jordi...My mistake. Is one of them Stuart, Albie's brother ? I'm sure Stevie said it was, but its a while since he gave me the photos now.

  5. did i say beards? i meant 'taches. there is definitely a resemblance to stuart but i don't think it is...but time plays tricks. jordi

  6. defiently not stuart mckay, most probably a scouser with a curly wig on...."eya lad,eya"!

  7. Stevies T shirt says The Mariner which was a bar with same owner as the Prince of Wales it then changed its name to The Highwayman, so i would guess its one of them. Hagger should know !! ha
    Maggie (badges) x

  8. Yeah, it is the Highwayman, Andres, worked in there with Stevie and the tash fellow is not Stuart.

  9. blooming eck! i'm totally confused. but its good to here the different comments. there was also a mariners bar. just down street from "l'ast celler" the road that ran from paris square to the church. on the same calle was "el rancho" that became "the new yorker" owened by "siva" ran by my good pal tony seddon. we used to have an apperitif in there before starting work at night.that used to be the best part of town for me. maggie.. our paths must have crossed at some time. bomshanar..look forward to a san mig with you sometime. i did make the 1997 re-union. the lads & lasses came from as far away as hawaii (frankie jolley) to sweden (billy beads who got his new wife impregnated on that holliday) happy days. jordi

  10. All because I got the names wrong!
    But like you said Jordi, it got the comments coming in. Hope they dont all meet up in Lloret they be all fighting :-)

  11. Calle Carmen is the street (we rented a studio at the back of the church for 3 years) The New Yorker was so different, air conditioning, bow ties (sorry sweeneys)real smart !!best in town.
    Mariners in calle carmen (we think) just been demolished but never busy for years.
    Chicken cellar became fancy foods (not) and is now pizza place. maggie x

  12. maggie, going back to the 70's there were a few really smart bars. i dont mean the tourist bars. do you remember the golden lion, jamaica inn,and obviously mariners on calle carmen. they were all designed and fitted out by the guy who was mayor at that time. pepe.we had mutual friends so we had a few boozy birthday does. the one that springs to mind is up in ell trull for the compleanos of francisco marcos and miguel mercader pont. another great day at el trull was when miguel married carol egerton (scouser) and still running ted laws empire. i was priviledged to be invited along with my mates andy anderson and 'spike' bembridge. it was in november and we had to go from tee shirts and jeans to suits and carnations! me and andy went into 'old english tea shop' for approval from bronc,mary and heather. bronc took a photo! youre mission if you accept it is ........find that photo. jordi

  13. Jordi, If only you told me last week, i was in lloret with Jackie and her husband Steve and we were on a mission ! were in Gerrys and Buzzbys with Stevie, Hagger, para Alan -he was !.Last Monday in Fenals you would have thought Prince William had just been born, ha.
    more later maggie x

  14. hi just thought i would say jackie that isnt albie i am his niece n we was looking andn oticed it isnt him, could of been as him n stevie r good mates x

  15. hello anonymous. if you are albies niece then you must be georges daughter. got to tell you he was a top bloke. hope he is still as cool as he was then. xxx

  16. Have just seen this posting I have pictures inside and out of the scotch corner as i work there in 1984. I want to know if it is still there and if not what was the street name where it was... hoping to go back this yr to revisit old times... if anyone has info i would love hear from you. Paul


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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