Re-union Photo's 2010

Nov 3, 2008

La Campana - Pedro's

Todays photo looks like Christmas or New year at Sweeneys, with a young looking Steve on the right and also a very young looking Sax on the left!
Below is a postcard from everybodys favorite chicken place...Pedro's.
(Thanks to Steve, and also John Round for the photos)

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  1. Jimmy Sportsman Blue Shirt on back row right hand side . Ronnie Manager of Sportsman front row with jumper on shoulders . Brian Beach Boys Callela grey top centre . And yet again Stevie in a Bar (Being propped up by Ronnie ) . Pedros was a great place as still the best chicken ive ever tasted . . Cheers Max

  2. look mo pedro's yeahhhh

  3. back row, second left, looks like Stewart who had Scotch Corner in 1984.


  4. Defo the best chicken EVER! Worked in Lloret in 1989 at the copper kettle and visited Pedro`s many times. Happy days!

  5. Used to be an entertainer at The Londoner in the 70`s. Pedros every night after finished performing. Best chicken and chips on the planet. Looking forward to returning in February.
    Jess Hope

  6. Hi Jess thanks for the comment!
    Pedro's is still the best, we are going tomorrow night with a group of friends. If you have any photos from your time in Lloret I'd be grateful if you could send some to me for the site...thanks in advance!


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
(Any inappropriate messages will be removed)