Re-union Photo's 2010

Nov 2, 2008

Ricky's Bar

Thanks to Ricky in Blanes for granting me the use of his photos from the Lloret section of his web site, here is the link for his site Ricky's Bar.
If you go to the Lloret link on the site you'll find loads of photos from the years 1978 - 86.

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  1. Rickys site is fantastic and keeps the spirit of Lloret workers flowing . Another site I recommend is lostamigos loads of ex workers and present workers on there too . Memories oh memories . Max pax enanue ..

  2. This one is from club Tropicana in Malgrat. it was the opening day and loads of workers went down from Lloret. I am on this pic, I am slimmer now and its 24 years on so not saying nothing.

  3. Spot on, there were at least two coaches from lloret, I was with Colin and Rona, obviously in the bar when this was taken !! cracking day !


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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