Re-union Photo's 2010

Feb 8, 2009


Thanks to Linda for sending todays photos for the blog...She tells us when and where they are from....

Sent you 4 photos you may like to add to the Blog. The first is when I worked in the Piccadilly with George Stewart, the second is the Moby Dick before it was a bar, the third is in the Moby Dick in 1979 - Colin on the right was the manager and I am next to him. The fourth is in the Duke of York, let's see who remembers the faces. I'm Linda by the way (better known as Linda from Manchester).
Be good to see them on the Blog.
Thanks Linda.''


  1. Bottom pic..., Jeff Shuggie Kelly and Burto.
    Top pic Desy scanlan is prominent.

  2. Not sure about the second pic being the Mobys????

  3. think the one with jeff and shuggie may have been 1977, glad you've put a name to burto, i could't remember a name just that he was really funny,(liverpudlian i think)

  4. limpy was that you named the line up

  5. T'was indeed. ;)

  6. Linda, I think you,ll find it was '78
    (check out Burto's shirt.

  7. Hi linda, top picture, sooty is in it and also didn't they call the spanish lad ricky.I knew the lad third from left well but cannot for the life of me remember his name. The one in the Duke, I can only see 3 people, am i losing my eyesight

  8. jill is shuggie kelly one person

  9. Yes of course you are right, put it down to the glass of wine I had in my hand. Shuggy,last I heard had remarried and was back in Australia. I still keep in touch with Gill Kirk who was his first wife. They lived between Freemantle and Perth and as far as I know Shuggy went back there. Gill is still there. I don't know why I thought someone was referring to Kelly (a girl) I a thick, sorry

  10. 78 well spotted sherlock, got my specks on can see it thanks, picture in piccadilly is sooty, dennis(lives in australia or did)scouse eddie, linda,george and spanish ricky. they called him more than that but it's not for this page.

  11. scouse eddie, I couldn't remember his name for the life of me, he was a really nice fella. Sometimes I wonder whether I was even there

  12. what was burto's first name.

  13. Kevin Burton, last i heard he was living in Jersey.

  14. The middle photo was in the Moby´s because I am in it!!!

  15. yep it was the moby, who's ricky, it was my first photo as official moby photographer(ian collighan made me a badge with it on lol). still got it.

  16. above des scanlon in third pic is tam.from scotland .second name is polish

  17. george i'll have a banana brandy.

  18. linda i think i'll join you! in fact i might have a traffic light. let me know how your getting on.a' the best. x

  19. tam from scotland in the moby photo, is tam juszack (spelling?) another greenockian.

  20. I worked as the storeman for a while in 1978 at the londoner/la cala/ Yates. Shuggy got me the job and after a drunken night at the duke Alan sacked me for not turning up for work on time.

  21. It aint Burto with Jeff and Shuggie,its cockney John.He was a prop for Roger in the Duke.He met a beautiful Scottish girl called Angie in 81 and married her a few years later.Lucky git!

  22. Think your wrong, i remember him well, funnies scouser ever, limpy and shuggie also say it's him.

  23. Never known two lads so alike.Shuggies in the photo so if he says its burto it has to be.Whats thrown me is john was always jumping up on stage with jeff. fartuncle where are you ?

  24. Top picture - Sooty, Dennis, Eddy, George and Ricky are the back row.

  25. Hya anon, its Angie the beautifull scottish girl from the duke of york. Yes i married John got two sons, and now divorced and living in Edinburgh again. Howd you know me?

  26. that is Cockney John in the duke photo, I should know i was married to him and he didnt work there untill 1980 so was just an old t shirt. I remember Jeff Fartuncle came to his 21st in Harlow. Whats Jeff doin now?

  27. Sorry Angel...have another look, its Jeff Shuggie and Burto...i took the photo, 1979 think it was Shuggies last year?

  28. Sorry also meant to add i don't think i know who John is.....Burto was the funnies guy

  29. Martin from the duke worked 80/81 brother Colin was manager it Yates that is not John looks like him but not

  30. Martin from the duke 80/81 brother Colin was manager of Yates that is not John looks very like him but not


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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