Re-union Photo's 2010

Feb 7, 2009

Beach Party

Another selection from John Stanley, one from the Beach Party. The next one was it Christmas or some other celebration?

The last one a party of a different kind, which I believe was the opening night of Tropicana.

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  1. Whats happened to Scotty the last I heard he was running a pub.Do you ever hear from him John?

  2. scotty has got a fruit and veg stall in grays essex

  3. Are you having a laugh??????????

  4. Frankie the lasted time heard about Scott he was runing a pub in convent gardens called the Miter.?


  5. r we on about the same person steve scott was partners with boatsy in the tropicana girlfrends name was kim came from barking essex where was u workin and when frank

  6. Steve and Kim use to come and see Boats when he had Beach Boys then set up Tropicana .. Is the other Scotty the one who use to work in Rockerfellas ... Max Pax Enanue .. Is Tropicana Still there

  7. Boaties partner in the Tropicana was Andy Tilsley and he still owns it, and yes that is Scotty form Rockerfellas. Scoo

  8. scotty in the photo came over with his mate willie archibald. "seven seas" and they both came from round about the falkirk area. that was 1977/8 if i remember correct. cos i gave willie his first job in lloret and i remember scotty well. good guy. definitely jockanese. jordi

  9. did Boats set up anything with Steve and Kim . Good luck to Tils with Tropicana . max

  10. I don'think so but Tilsleys as had that pub for about 18 years.And stanley worked for him.Until lasted year


  11. I thought it was Brian and Natan(dont know how to apell natan)who where in parter's in the tropicana.Scotty came from Tullibody.Craig i was there in the 70'sand early 80's worked all over ended up on the beach party.

  12. cheers 4 replying frank i didnt go out there till 88 worked for steve watson in sportsman 4 2 years also shakspears in fanals and colins cottage 4 2 years dont think our paths have crossed but nice 2 see old faces cheers craig

  13. I thought the Tropicana was flattened year's ago to make a carpark!

  14. No it's still there

  15. Dear all,me,boats and natan openned club tropicana in malgrat de mar in 84,I left Club Tropicana to open the Crown and Anchor in 86,Steve Scott alis 20% Steve and Kim,spit of Tina Turner took my place.Club Tropicana was knocked down 87/88 and is now a block of apartments,Andy Tilsley has the Tropicana in Blanes where my Tricia worked and I run Andy's other pub Crowleys for 5 years,Scotty,Rockefellers is still in the Mitre Pub in London.Brian openned the Beach Boys in Callea with Boats and Natan.Hey Jordi,I sat in the Picc for a week waiting for a job,went for a pee and when I came back Willie was behind the bar,being scottish may have had something to do with it?also heard from Ann,she's going to come and visit,say hello to Eric for me,hope this cleard up a few things,good to see everyone having a chat.

  16. hey there

    its elaine here rudy valentino's better half we been together 23 years this year met at tropicana in malgrat de mar and just looking over the old photos of tropicana the best time of my life

    we have a daughter laura just 18 years old this february and definitely the spit of rudy

    who says holiday romances dont last i remember ricky playing me up on many occasions think hes great also remember boatsie too!

    rudy still makes me laugh he defo hasnt changed and ill love him forever

    hope someone replies to this take care all

    elaine and rudy

  17. Hi Elaine, shall I put a copy of your comment on the latest piece which I just put on tonight, that way more people will see it and you'll then get a reply?

  18. that would be great many thanks jackie

  19. Wow. That photo of the club tropicana brings back memories...
    Myself and 2 mates from Coventry were in a travelling band in 1984, living out of an old Commer van on Lloret beach car park. We played a few nights at a bar in Lloret (I'm sure it was beach boys).
    The guy who was running it, I'm thought his name was Dave? Was involved with opening the Tropicana around May 84. We did a few odd jobs helping finish the place and played on the opening night. The police came in and asked for our music permits, we had none and had to clear off...Happy days....

  20. wow memories are flooding back from 86 after reading through these, my first holiday was in Malgrat and we spent every night in club Tropicana, which was just what we needed after the coach trip down from London, 2 years later i working in lloret, loved every minute. cheers Richie


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