Re-union Photo's 2010

Sep 30, 2010

Photos from Angie - Gerry's Bar

Thanks to Angie for sending the 2 photos shown here today, she has given the following details for the 1st one...

It's taken in the Zoo Bar (around the corner from yates) and doesn't exits anymore. Behind the Bar is dutch Vera, left is Jimmy Brown from Edinburgh (cook in Piccadly-Bar), the other I don't know, but squatting in front is a very young Kevin McDonald.


  1. So sad in top pic in centre in Kevin .. And In Bottom pic Toothpick Ramon .. Both no longer with us but give us all a lot of happy memories .. RIP Gone but not forgotten ..

  2. Hi Angie that is JACK the cook who died in 81 great lad always had a bottle in his hand R.I.P JACK

  3. Great to see a photo of Jack, what a character he was.
    He'd wear a tartan sash full of sweets and hand them out to the kids while shouting abuse at the passing talent.
    The last thing he said was that he'd eaten a whole chicken the night before. Minutes later he was no longer with us.

  4. Yes, that was Jack alright.............

  5. Forgot about Jack .. He Died in 82 such a character

  6. Is that Babs in the middle of the top photo??I mean Babs that is also no longer with us....


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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