Re-union Photo's 2010

Oct 2, 2010

A Cheeky Photo from Slippery!

Thanks to Ian for sending these great photos for the 'Old Stuff' site.
Above we have Rish in his usual pose!

 These 2 photos are from 1978 in the Texas.


  1. Top pic,is´nt that Gordy with that cheeky smile.

  2. Take that back,I need my eye´s testing,of course it´s Rish.Don´t Kenny look dapper.

  3. Bottom pic far right,my old manager Terry from the West Coast.

  4. Top pic .. top left Terry Bell my boss in Lennons .. Top Right Phil .. My boss in Texas .. Both Kirkham boys .. great guys

  5. I would recognise the backside anywhere, I previously tried to post this and said a**e and it wouldn't let me post, sorry Jacky I forgot.

  6. Top pic middle back. The legend from Kirkham David Haythornthwaite. Managed a few bars for a few years mid 70s could he get a party going. Lets all get mental was Daves party line. Now runs a very succesfull company called the Tangerine group.He is the President of AFC Fylde a team he is trying to get into the football league over the next few years. Top guy.


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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