Re-union Photo's 2010

Mar 7, 2012

Shorny's photos

Frank is looking in a bit of a mess here but its only water damage!
Todays pics come from Shorny aka 'Spock'  The bottom 3 are all from Gerrys Bar but what about the first one?

Gerry's bar crew - Donny, Paul, Gerry, Paco and Spock


  1. what a great looking fella i am.That is Via granger (john) another one of the lads that have passed over.He worked in Gerrys for years

  2. sorry thats Colin Okeef behind the bar in Yates

  3. Is that walter in the background in one of the photos

  4. In the first photo I can see on far left Jordi Molist (Lloses), I can also see big Walter (the Indian) from Aberdeen. Walter worked in a bar next to where Malachi lived, I think it was owned by a Malaysian or something like that, maybe Siva even. Sorry can't remember the name of the Bar Jackie but I'm sure I have a photo somewhere so will let you know.

    Ann xxx

  5. ann are you thinking of the el rancho that walter worked in

  6. Hey Frank,
    Nice to see you there with Vere Grainger, I will send the photo onto mutual friends (The Leets)& from there it will probably got to Veres brother Billy in South Africa,
    Hope you are well.
    Shuggie Kelly

  7. Hey Shuggie, how are you? It's good to see Vere on here at long last as he was the person that got me and Frank over to Lloret.

  8. Hi Billy,
    Hope you are well.
    Funny that I've never seen any of Dermot McColgan(spelling?)As it was him that shared with vere in Conchitas when I was there.

  9. Hi Shuggie, I'm sure Dermott's living near near Gibralter border and your right no photos of him.


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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