Re-union Photo's 2010

Mar 15, 2013

Graham's Photo's

 Thanks to everyone who has recently sent in photos after I asked for some more, please keep them coming no matter what they are or what year. Today we have four photos from Graham Jenkins, I've no other details of where Graham worked but his photos are from the early maybe a bit too early for most of you to remember the people in the photos. 

The 1st photo above Graham says is El Uva 1973, could that be La Uva or were there two bars with similar names?
 These two are from 1971 El Cortijo 
 The last photo is from PP's Disco 1970


  1. isn't that andy from the beach party in the middle at the front of the first photo

  2. That's Jurgen from the Sundoor & Maratim on the left in the PP'S photo.


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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