Re-union Photo's 2010

Mar 14, 2013

Photos from Frank

 Thanks to Frank for these photos, I have a feeling that 1 or 2  have been on the site before but it is quite a while ago now.

Gerry' Bar
Great costumes!


  1. Got a feelin that aint Gerrys,but the mariner bar,was very close or next door to yates??

  2. Yes, looking closer there's a wooden ceiling, can't remember Gerrys ever having one,

  3. handsome frank14 March, 2013 21:47

    he is right its the Mariner .
    Lesly.Brian Tommy.good looking guy is called Handsome Frank

  4. it is the mariner with Lesly Brian tommy And Handsome Frank


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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