Re-union Photo's 2010

Mar 29, 2014

Victors photos

 Today we have a more pics from the Victor with a few Scottish football fans, Graham & Daz on the left above.
Jeanette in the middle with Colin & Daz to the right
 Above 2nd from the left is Oscar, Daz, Graham & Jeanette

Mar 25, 2014

Ray's photos

Thanks to Ray for these 'before and after' pics, the first one from July 96 and the next 15 years later in August 2011.

Mar 20, 2014

Lloret - Old Scenes

 A view from Sa Caleta beach, these photos are marked as being from 1980 but could be a little before that I think.
 I'm not sure of the year for the 2 B/W ones below 60's possibly for the 1st one and even earlier for the last!

Mar 12, 2014

More from Victor

 Party night at Popeye's, behind the bar are Kate, Linda and Victor.
 Scary times in Popeye's!

Mar 6, 2014

Victors photos

Thanks to Victor who has recently gave me some photos to use on the site from the late 90s when he worked in Popeye's - here are the first ones. Can you help by adding any names to the faces Victor?

 Victor with Linda on the left who is now working in Rabbies Bar

Mar 4, 2014

Photos from Emilio

Sorry for not posting any pics for a while but it's been a busy time for me here, what with the carnival ( a great weekend by the way!) and other stuff, hopefully I can get back into some sort of normal routine....if that's possible here!
Emilio a friend of Angie's recently sent these photos from when he worked in Gerrys Bar.
1st pic from 1981 behind the bar at Gerrys are Colin in the middle with Emilio to his right then Paul from Liverpool, does anyonyone know the whereabouts of Paul these days?

Colin & Emilio again behind the bar at Gerrys
Out in the garden at Gerrys, a very young looking Julie with Simon and the little girl is Emilio's daughter Kristian.