Re-union Photo's 2010

Jul 5, 2015

Photos from Dirk

Thanks to Dirk for sending his photos and also the following message...

Hello Jackie, I really like this old stuff. It reminds me of great vacations in Lloret in the 80s. I send you some pics taken `82, `83 and `84 in the Seven Seas Pub with Willie and his team, in the old Highlander Pub with Scottish Eddy and his team and Liverpool Friends an me in the John Lennon Bar. I´m missing the good old times. Can you tell me, what happened to Willie? GreetZ from Cologne, Dirk

The first pic above are from left to right: Cathy, Steve, John from Liverpool, Dirk, Willie, Gus from Liverpool, Dirk's girlfriend Gaby and Augustin.

Jul 2, 2015

Johnny Burkes Photos

Todays photos take us back to the Black & White photo days. These were the property of Johnny Burke, many thanks to Jim Vale for forwarding them to me for the site. In the second photo I immediately  recognise Mariano who has also sent in many of his old Lloret photos.