Re-union Photo's 2010

Feb 28, 2010

Rogers Photos.

Todays photos come from Roger's collection again. Looks like there was a birthday celebration happening in the top photo....wonder who ended up wearing the cake!

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Feb 25, 2010

Lloret de Mar Old Stuff News

I just thought you would all like to know that the blog has today just reached 200,000 hits since the day it started !

These figures are only for the blog and nothing to do with the message board that is a completely different site.

The first post was published on 19th June 2008, and there were just 38 viewers on that day, I even thought that was brilliant that so many found it on the first day. We now seem to get on average 500 hits per day.


Sooty's Photos

Today's photos come from Sooty. It looks as though there is a fancy dress theme going on in the above photo, or is it Xmas celebrations in the Laural & Hardy?

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Feb 23, 2010

Let's Change the Subject !

Many thanks to Phil for sending me these photos today.
This is a copy of his email...

I recently heard of the passing of two guys who worked in The Rabbies 1974 and would like to post 3 fotos from '74 showing them in their prime,thanks in anticipation,phil mcdermott.

Feb 21, 2010

Jeans Photos

Todays photos come from Jeans album, in the 1st one she is with Pink Maria's two boys. In the next one with '103 Bob' at a sevice station on the way home from Lloret.

The photo above is taken in Buzzbys in 1996.

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Feb 16, 2010

The Other Three !

The other day I published 3 photos which I had somehow misplaced on my computer, so who sent them and how long ago it was I've no idea! These photos today are the last 3 from the same collection, I've still not heard anything from the person who sent them. Does anyone have a clue who it could have been?........Thanks to whoever it was anyway !!

Feb 13, 2010

One from Roger & One From Chris.

Here we have 2 very good photos.
The first one was sent in by Roger, the second was sent in by Chris and was taken outside LaCala in 1978.

Feb 9, 2010

Three From Jean

Three very different photos from Jean today, spanning quite a few years years. The first is from 1992, second is from 2003 and the last goes back to 1986 at the Village Inn.

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Feb 6, 2010

Did you send these ???

Apologies to who ever sent me these photos !

I have just come across 6 photos (3 of which are here today) For some unknown reason they have ended up in a folder on my laptop where they shouldn't have been, and I only came across them by chance ones fault but mine!So to whoever sent them, sorry for not publishing them sooner.
Please let me know if you sent them ... and when !

Feb 4, 2010

Sooty's Photos

Three good photos from Sooty's collection today.
Thanks to Diane for sending these on Sooty's behalf.

Feb 1, 2010

Cheap Holiday in Lloret !

Thanks to Maggie for sending this example of the prices of package holidays in Lloret. I'm not sure what year this brochure dates back to, both hotels are still here today, but the Montecristo is known by another name....answer, anyone ??