Re-union Photo's 2010
Sep 30, 2010
Photos from Angie - Gerry's Bar
Thanks to Angie for sending the 2 photos shown here today, she has given the following details for the 1st one...
It's taken in the Zoo Bar (around the corner from yates) and doesn't exits anymore. Behind the Bar is dutch Vera, left is Jimmy Brown from Edinburgh (cook in Piccadly-Bar), the other I don't know, but squatting in front is a very young Kevin McDonald.
Sep 28, 2010
Thanks to Norman.
Thanks to Norman for these photos which he sent all the way from Australia. He also sent some very interesting pages from the Lloret Scene magazine, which gives a good example of how cheap the drinks used to be!
1] Isobel and two girls who came to Lloret looking for work, unfortunately I cannot remember their names, perhaps someone can?
2] Isobels sister, her name is Mercedes and her friend I think was called Angel?
Sep 26, 2010
Sep 24, 2010
Thanks to Trevor.....
Many thanks to Trevor for letting me take some photos from his website for the Old Stuff.
He has just had a few days in Lloret, sadly I didn't get to see him as he was too fast for me to catch him....judging by his photos he was here, there and everywhere!
Those of you who were here in 1985 may remember Trevor when he was working for Andy & Jackie Milroy in the Sgt Peppers where he started his very successful career as a DJ.
He also worked in Churchills and Sweeney Todds.
Trevor has a great website which gives not only details of his career past and present, but he has also a page from his days in Lloret along with photos, follow the 25yrs anniversary link on his
Sep 22, 2010
Two photos from Geoff
Thanks to Geoff for todays photos.
It looks like the same people in both photos, who won the fancy dress contest?
Sep 21, 2010
Photos from Norman.
Norman has sent in some of his photos taken during his time in Lloret 1966 - 1975.
He is now in Australia and has just found Lloret Old Stuff!
In his email he asks about people who were here at that time.
Hopefully some of you can answer Normans questions ..........
From Norman...
I have only recently discovered your page about Lloret and it has sparked lots of fond memories of my time there from 1966 to 1975. It is really wonderful to see, thanks so much.
For a number of years I was the manager of The Prince of Wales, under Graham Leslie Young and Isobel Perez Escartin, who were both business and person partners.
My question therefore is. What happened to Graham and Isobel? My understanding is that Graham is still in Lloret but that Isobel left many years ago, do you know if this is true?
I have attached a few photos which may be of interest.
The people in them are where? I do not know, perhaps still in Lloret?
The first photo is of myself with Isobel and Mac behind the bar of the Prince of Wales. I wonder what happened to Mac as well?
The second photo is of Isobal and a guy who's name I think is Lance?
The people in them are where? I do not know, perhaps still in Lloret?
The first photo is of myself with Isobel and Mac behind the bar of the Prince of Wales. I wonder what happened to Mac as well?
The second photo is of Isobal and a guy who's name I think is Lance?
Sep 20, 2010
More from Sue.
One of the photos from Sue today goes back to 1971 which could be a bit early for most readers out there to remember. The top one with Stevie and Rish in Buzzbys is far more recent...its even in colour!
What year would this be, late 90s or so?
Sep 19, 2010
Photos from Colin & Angie - Gerry's Bar
Thanks to Colin and Angie for sorting through their old pics from Gerry's Bar and giving me a new batch for the Old Stuff, some include photos of the Norwegian visitors who came back to Gerry's year after year.... and still do today! Some used to travel down to Lloret on their motor bikes and park them in the garden while they were here and at times even camp out there!
In the 2nd photo it looks as though Frankie was very popular with the Norwegians also....who is she, anybody know?
To see more photos from Gerry's Bonsky Bar days CLICK HERE
Sep 17, 2010
A mini Reunion.
I received these photos from Sharon a few days ago, I know they are not exactly what we see on the site but its nice to see old friends meeting up for a mini reunion!
Here's a copy of Sharon's email.....
Sep 13, 2010
Sue's Photos
Thanks to Sue for bringing more of her photos for the site when she recently came on holiday with Carolyn and (aunty) Jean ...nice to them all again!. I believe both of todays pics are from the year 1971, I recognise a very young looking Gerry and Colin in the 1st, is that Sue in the middle of them with dark hair?? and Malachi is in the middle of the 2nd photo.
Sep 11, 2010
John's Photos
Thanks to John for todays photos, he is wanting to know the name of the guy in the Westcoast T shirt in the first picture....can anyone out there help?
Sep 9, 2010
Photos from Steve.
We are going back to Yates in the year1982 in the first of Steves photos today, his second photo is just one year later 1983.
Sep 6, 2010
Photos from Joe.
I was asked last night if there was any way we could have a calendar on the site in which you could all personally fill in with the dates of your visits to Lloret.
After searching around this morning the easiest one I came across is already on the Message Board. With this you only have to click on the icon at the top of the page after you have signed into the board...then simply click on new event, and fill in the dates of your stay and any other details such as where you are staying etc. (dont forget your name!) That way it would be easier to catch up with friends you haven't seen for a while and maybe arrange to meet up through the board.
Hopefully this will do the trick so give it a try and we'll see if it works out ok....let me know if you have any problems!
There is also a link to the calendar on this page in the left hand column.
Thanks to Joe for his photos today, the top one features the Texas, the 2nd is from the Buchaneer and last but not least the Village Inn.
Sep 5, 2010
Last 2 from Russell
Thanks to Russell for these photos from the Village Inn, they are the last 2 of the selection sent in from his album.
Sep 3, 2010
Sad News.
Every so often we are saddened by the awful news that we have lost a dear friend. I'm sure that this time the friend we have lost will be a massive shock to everyone. Sadly Omelette died on Tuesday, as yet we have no details other than he had been taken into hospital with breathing problems. He will be greatly missed in Lloret...especially after all the years he 'entertained' us all
What a character, I'm sure they'll never be another one like him!
Condolences to Omelette's girlfriend Carol and family.