Where are your old friends from Lloret...they could be here!
Re-uniting Lloret friends since 2008!
Do you ever wonder where your old mates from Lloret de Mar are these days? Take a look through more than 1,000 posts and THOUSANDSof photos on these pages, you might find yourself face to face with them here. If you have a photo, question, or info which you would like me to add to the blog please send via email, just click on the link where it says "Contact Me" in the left hand column. The **MESSAGE BOARD**is where you may find a message for you there already, it only takes a minute to register.
These photos from Vilma show the Piccadilly, White Horse and the Laurel & Hardy. Just about every person in the photos has been named by Vilma, do any of you remember those she hasn't named?
How many names can you put to the faces in these photos kindly sent in by Diane, and which bars were they taken in?
I'm slowly but surely running out of photos for the blog, so if any of you have any photos which we haven't seen yet I'd be grateful if you could send them to my email address which can be found if you click on the link where is says ''View My Profile'' on the left hand side of the page...Thank-you.
Thanks to Shuggy for his latest photo showing him outside the Barretina in 1978 with Rosa Marie, who I believe is the daughter of the former owner. He wants to know if anyone knows of her whereabouts now... is she still in Lloret?
I received 2 more photos from Michelle this morning. Michelle is now living down in Valencia where its usually hotter than this part of the country...I just hope she's coping with this heat better than we are just now!
Here's the names she gave for those in the photos....
''1st piccie.Derek, Me. Jose and ? Sorry bout that but all I remember is he is a geordie boy!!! 2nd Piccie Small gathering outside Nicky Tams of workers and some holiday makers ''