These photos were sent in (via email) by Anthony Angus a while ago, along with details of each photo, and also a brief description of what he is doing these days!
''Inside Sgt Peppers the year before it was refurbished. The womans name was Carmen, and the guy with the tartan sash was Jack from Edinburgh (I'm sure you'll remember him, he worked in the kitchen in the Pic for years. He died suddenly outside Sgt Peppers one night) We went to meet his parents in Edinburgh afterwards which was not nice, but I'm sure they appreciated it''
''I worked in Sgt Peppers for about five seasons for Andy Milroy, and then the last year there I was up at Scotch Corner with Stuart McKay and Stevie.
I met my wife Jane in Lloret and we're married with an 8 year old daughter now . We live in East Kilbride in Scotland.
I've been off work since June after an accident on holiday in Turkey, but I'm recovering well touch wood, and will hopefully make a full recovery by next year.''