Click here for the 2011 reunion pics!

May 12, 2011

Lloret de Mar Old Scenes

Thanks to all those who sent in their details to help with the making of the BBC programme, I believe they have now been in touch with a few of you...if so please keep us all informed of any news.

May 11, 2011

Terri's Pics

 Here we have 2 photos from Terri today which she kindly let me take from her Facebook page.

May 9, 2011

Joe's Photos

Thanks to Joe for these photos,  I recognise Mick in the middle of the top photo (he's in Lloret just now for a month or so) Kenny on the left (in Papua New Guinea), Albie (who will be packing his bag to come here again in a few days time!) and Joe on the right. Bottom photo Joe along side Stevie, who else do we know?

May 7, 2011

Photos from Gill Raine

Thanks to Gill for the photos shown today, the first taken outside Gerry's Bar and the second is a great photo of the Intersun reps...
Intersun were just about the cheapest holiday companies at the time...we often travelled to Spain with them either flying or on their coaches, I dont think I could face that coach journey ever again!!

May 5, 2011

Early Tourist's or Workers Wanted !

I have once again been contacted by the BBC asking if we can help them to find people who would like to take part in a series of programmes they are making, one of which will be about the birth of the package holiday and will be prented by Melvyn Bragg.

If anyone would like to take part please contact me at and I will pass on your details to the BBC. One person I'm sure we all know would be ideal for such a programme is 'Aunty Jean' so I'm going to contact her to see if she would like to take part, if there's any one else you can think of or any volunteers please get in touch!
Here is part of the email I received....
"Our programmes cover a variety of historical themes such as the home front and evacuation in the 40s, seaside holidays in the 50s, teenage life in the 50s, school life in the 1960s, The jubilee in the 70s as well as many other themes.
Any help would be gratefully received, we are really looking for characters who remember the beginning of the package holidays. Who either went on them and have stories to tell, or who may have been employed in any part of the industry - be it as a Rep, Bar or Hotel Worker ( or Owner), Cabin Crew or Airport staff."


Jill's Photos

Thanks to Jill for todays photos, which all feature Willy in the Seven Seas doing his usual Freddie Mercury act!

May 3, 2011

Phils Pics

 Thanks to Phil for todays photos, we can easily tell where the bottom one is from but what about the first, could it be Campana or El Relicario?