Just a short message to all those who couldnt make the reunion...here's the first photos from yesterday afternoon taken in Buzzbys. It was a very late night, me and my husband Steve didnt leave while 3am and we weren't the last!
I'm sure they'll be loads more photos to come yet, we'll be taking more in the 7 Seas later today!
If possible can u put names to photos cheers .. Hope your all having a good time
Ahh Sharon in Middle pic shes not aged still cheeky smile
looks like a Sagga Holiday to me
Frank see you did'ent make it we had some family promblems so we cancelled at the last minute hope your ok ??
Please help who are the people in the pics All I reconise is Gary and Peter in Bottom pic and Sharon in Middle pic .. Hope there all having a good time .. wish them all the best ..
Max,next to Gary is the one and only Billy Fraser,put your glasses on.
We missed a good day on Sat,cany wait for more pics.
Max,next to Sharon is Ronnie (Sportsman)
Cheers John who is guy in striped shirt in bottom pic and couple in top pic
Max, I believe the one in the top photo is called Paul, (PaulH on the message board) not sure of his wifes name.
Billy Fraser,left of Gary is Gas Metre.
Big Gas looks like Granpa Walton
Thanks for that Max...:) Had a brilliant time. Shame you didn't make it...Great seeing everyone again.
It is Paul & Viv Henley, Viv worked in Picc and Paul was at Moby Disco
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