Where are your old friends from Lloret...they could be here!
Re-uniting Lloret friends since 2008!
Do you ever wonder where your old mates from Lloret de Mar are these days? Take a look through more than 1,000 posts and THOUSANDSof photos on these pages, you might find yourself face to face with them here. If you have a photo, question, or info which you would like me to add to the blog please send via email, just click on the link where it says "Contact Me" in the left hand column. The **MESSAGE BOARD**is where you may find a message for you there already, it only takes a minute to register.
After speaking to people yesterday about the Lloret Old Stuff site I've been asked if there was any way I could add a chat room. I wasn't sure if it was possible but I think I've finally cracked it this morning. Follow the link to the new Lloret site where you can log in to create an account and hopefully chat away......Lloret Stuff Chat This takes you to the new website so just scroll down the page to 'Meebo Chat' (then click on the Meebo Icon to create your user name etc)
Let me know what you think it or if you have any problems and I'll try to sort it out for you...Hopefully it shouldn't be too complicated!
Just a short message to all those who couldnt make the reunion...here's the first photos from yesterday afternoon taken in Buzzbys. It was a very late night, me and my husband Steve didnt leave while 3am and we weren't the last! I'm sure they'll be loads more photos to come yet, we'll be taking more in the 7 Seas later today!
With the planned reunion only a day or so away now, here are some photos from the last one. Ian Anderson kindly sent these in a few days ago....Thanks Ian!
Many thanks to Loretta (middle of the top photo) for sending a few of her photos for the 'Old Stuff' Here's a short message from her email.....
"I look at your web site regulary and often see faces I remember. Hope you receive these photos ok, unfortunately I dont remember all the names, but maybe some of the people in them will recognise themselves and get in touch with you! I hope that the photos will bring back good memories for anyone viewing them"
For todays Old Stuff photos I've gone back to Rogers album, which I've not used for a while. It looks as thought there's a fancy dress theme night going on in two of the pics...or did they always dress like that??