Every one who ever came to Lloret must have met Jean at sometime. She was never without her camera when she went round town. Here she is with her late husband Les, on Boadella Beach of all places,(1958-59) I'm sure even some people who lived in Loret all those years ago never ventured over to Boadella or had even heard of it!
Here she is again in more recent times 1988, this again is Boadella at one of the very popular beach party's.
Many thanks to Jean for taking the time to sort through her photos (2 days it took her!) and bring these over for me to use on the blog....we have many more to go through yet !
P.S. I forgot to mention- Jean is the one in the black swimsuit over to the left.

If you worked in Lloret then Boadella beach was the place to go to get away from all the hustle and bustle in the 80's,it sure was 1 of my fave places to unwind.Well done Jean for the pic.
We used to go to Boadella beach quite often to get away from everyone in the 70's. It was a lovely walk from Fenals.
Chris from Manchester
The best beach around...although Fenals beach was voted the best one from the French border down to Tarragona.
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