''I found the web site through a search on google, god this brings back so many memories!!
I worked in Nicky Tams Tavern from 84 for 3 years, the best time of my life, I made so many close friends and value the time I spent with them. I have managed to find some of the guys and been in touch now and again, some unfortunately have now passed away.
Here are some of the photo’s I have, when I get down to it, I’m sure I can dig out others, these were all taken by the “great Ramon” I worked with wee Stu, Derek, Steve and Micky ( I hear he has now passed away?) Those are just a few of the rouges, I knew. Angus and Davey Sinclair have been in touch and it’s funny how things have settled and we now get on with our own things.
The Nicky Tams photo was taken about 86/87. Starting at the very back was Paco (Harpo), Derek, Andy, Steve Brown, Wee Stu, Dale and Mick (RIP), with myself at the front (The Scottish W*nker!!)
The other photos were from the Rob Roy, next door, the only guy I remember was Ian, he’s the one sticking his tongue in my ear.''